- Stem Cells for Cancer and Genetic Disease Treatment
- Stem Cell Transplantation for Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cells for Cancer and Genetic Disease Treatment
SpotlightThis invaluable resource discusses insights ranging from basic biological mechanisms of various types of stem cells through the potential applications in the treatment of human diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders. These discoveries are placed within the structural context of tissue and developmental biology in sections dealing with recent advances in understanding different types of stem cell biology and their potential applications in tissue repair and regeneration and in the treatment different types of human cancer and genetic diseases or disorders.
Stem Cell Transplantation for Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation
SpotlightThis book introduces many new technologies and clinical applications of hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory diseases. Presented in two parts, Part 1 focuses on stem cell therapies for autoimmune disease treatment; Part 2 focuses on stem cell therapies and their application in the treatment of common inflammatory diseases, including chronic knee osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver cirrhosis, Crohn's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and more. This book is an essential source for...
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
SpotlightThis new series, based on a bi-annual conference and its topics, represents a major contribution to the emerging science of cancer research and regenerative medicine. Each volume brings together some of the most pre-eminent scientists working on cancer biology, cancer treatment, cancer diagnosis, cancer prevention and regenerative medicine to share information on currently ongoing work which will help shape future therapies. These volumes are invaluable resources not only for already active researchers or clinicians but also for those entering these fields, plus those in...
New Releases
About us is the private website of Dr. Phuc Pham, is not related or linked to any publishers or journals. The website aims to call for contributions from researchers and scientists worldwide to publish their papers in some series or book projects edited by Dr. Phuc Pham.
By this website, contributors can easily submit their contributions to be considered to publish in forthcoming books or vols. As an online submission system, permits authors can check the editorial processing after manuscripts are submitted.
Springer-Nature Publisher will publish almost all books edited by Dr. Phuc Pham as monographs or edited books. Currently, Dr. Phuc Pham serves as Chief Editor for two series published by Springer-Nature, Innovations in Cancer Research and Regenerative Medicine (as subseries of Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) and Stem Cells in Clinical Applications.
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology is indexed by SCIE (Web of Science), Pubmed, Scopus, and many other databases. The impact factor is 2.622 (2020/2021).
- Stem Cells in Clinical Applications is indexed by Book Citation Index (Web of Science) and is under evaluation for Scopus indexing.